Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Poem for Now

Blood sacrifices on the Capitol, bow down to the God of fear and hate.

Oh Prince of peace, my heart cries out to thee.

Rise we up in our own righteousness!

But none is righteous only thee.

Blood sacrifices in the cities, shattered glass in the streets, 

Active flames of pain for words not heard, actions speak louder.

But he said no more sacrifices were needed, not even the smallest ant need lose his little life?

When comest the dawn of the new day, when the lion lays down with the lamb?

No, No, No, we must fight fight, fight! 

Hate war, Hate war, march on, march on. 

Rage war, Rage war, lift those knees higher, march on, march on.

Peace Peace Peace, Ohm shanti, shanti, shanti-heeeeeeee

Where are you now my Prince of peace? When will our hearts turn once and for all?

The little girl is skipping alongside her mother, as she ponders....

"Remember when human beings used kill other human beings?" Curls bouncing as she goes.

"Oh little bear, don't think on such things."

"Ok mamma, its just so weird, people must have been very strange back then."

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